Excel 2011 For Mac Won't Let Me Save

Posted : admin On 24.12.2018

Excel for Office 365 for Mac Excel 2019 for Mac Excel 2016 for Mac Excel for Mac 2011 Cause: The information that you are trying to paste does not match the cell format (Date, Currency, Text, or other format) for the cells in the column. Solution: If you're trying to paste a large amount of information, make sure that the cell format for the cells in the column matches the format of the information that you want to paste, and then paste the information one column at a time. Change the cell format for a column • Click the column heading (A, B, C, and so on) for the column that you want to change. • On the Home tab, click the Number Format menu.

• Click the cell format that matches the information that you are trying to paste into the column. Cause: There are not enough columns to accept the information that you're trying to paste. Solution: Insert more columns, and then try pasting again. Insert additional columns • Click the column heading (A, B, C, and so on) for the column to the right of where you want to add a column. • On the Home tab, click Insert. The column that you originally selected shifts to the right and the new column appears.

This is a seldom-used feature of Microsoft Excel which allows multiple people to edit the same Excel file at the same time. However, when this option is enabled, certain features of Excel are not allowed - including unprotecting a cell (which is what the Edit Document button does). The solution was to re-save the xls file as xlsx (or xlsm if using VBA/macros) and then close/re-open the file (xlsx/xlsm) to take it out of compatibility mode. Then the 256 column limit is increased to 16,000+ columns (Excel 2007 and later).

Adobe Flash Player updates available for macOS on November 1, 2016 Adobe Flash Player updates address a recently identified Adobe Flash Player web plug-in vulnerability. If you're using an out-of-date version of the Adobe Flash Player plug-in, you may see the message “Blocked plug-in,” “Flash Security Alert,” or “Flash out-of-date. Installing flash on mac. Adobe® Flash® Player is a lightweight browser plug-in and rich Internet application runtime that delivers consistent and engaging user experiences, stunning audio/video playback, and exciting gameplay. Installed on more than 1.3 billion systems, Flash Player is the standard for delivering high. Adobe Flash Player is a free software plug-in used by web browsers to view multimedia, execute rich Internet applications, and stream video on your Mac.

• Repeat step 2 until you have inserted the number of columns that you want. Cause: The Copy area and the Paste area are not the same size and shape. Solution: Select the upper-left cell instead of the whole range before you paste. • Click the cell where you want the upper-left cell of the copied data to appear. • On the Home tab, click Paste. Office Solution: Select a range of cells for the Paste area that's the same size and shape as the copied data.

Excel 2011 For Mac Won

Outlook 2011 For Mac Won't Open

Apple store office for mac 2016. • Select a range of cells that is the exact number of rows and columns as the information that you want to paste. • On the Home tab, click Paste.

Apr 16, 2018  Open Excel for Mac 2011 and try to save a file. If you can save a file, review the contents of 'New Folder' to decide which files that you want to keep. If the problem continues to occur, go to the next method. Hi Gary Follow these steps to unlock the worksheet: 1. Click on the 'Review' tab at the top of the screen.2. In the middle of the screen atg the top it will show a button marked 'Unprotect Sheet' if the sheet is locked.Good luck.