How To Add Page Numbers In Microsoft Word 2008 For Mac

Posted : admin On 25.01.2019

I have been trying to get Microshaft word 2008 for Mac to start page numbers only on page 3. I have a title page, a table of contents, and then the body of my document. I have created a section at the bottom of the table of contents.

  1. How To Add Page Numbers In Powerpoint
  2. How To Add Page Numbers In Indesign
  3. How To Add Page Numbers In Microsoft Word 2008 For Mac

Then in the footer, to the next section, I have tried to insert page numbers. BUT it routinely adds page numbers to the bottom of the first section as well. SO I have page 1 on the title page, page 2 on the table of contents; then I have page 1 on the first page and so on.

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Click to expand. Congratulations - you are trying to do some of the most complicated things in Microsoft Word. And I am NOT kidding. The page numbering feature has been broken in the Windows versions of Word since - ever. And I don't expect the Mac version to be any different. There are howtos and knowledgebase articles explaining how it can be done, but in my experience, none of them ever really worked.

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How To Add Page Numbers In Microsoft Word 2008 For Mac

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I assembled a master thesis once by breaking the original Word document into multiple Word documents, each with its own numbering. Then I PDFed them and (re-)joined all those PDFs into one PDF file which we handed to the printer (meaning a person, not a device). I must add that the numbering in this paper was a bit more complicated and required multiple pages -without- a printed page number in between; that was a layout requirement. The thing is: Microsoft Word 2003 for Windows couldn't do it and nothing worked as it was documented by Microsoft. Come on guys, it's easy. What you do is break the link from the previous section and then you format page numbering and start at page 1.

How To Add Page Numbers In Microsoft Word 2008 For Mac

For example, you have a few pages (or one) that are your TOC. Click insert>break>Section break next page. The bring up headers and footers. There's the icon for headers and footers called 'link to previous.' Click on that and it breaks the link to the previous header and footer for the first pages you had. Then click the format page number icon and click start at page 1.