Office 2011 For Mac Show Recipients Name On Sent Items

Posted : admin On 26.01.2019

Please make sure you have the ability to install an application on your computer., if necessary. Skype for business mac versions. If you have Office 2016 from UB, you may already have Skype for Business 2016 for Mac. You can check: • Click the Finder icon in the Dock (it's usually the first icon on the left side of the Dock) • Select Applications displaying the contents of the Applications folder • Scroll through the list of installed applications to locate Skype for Business Skype for Business 2016 for Mac is available for download from UB for UB faculty, staff, and students.

There are 5168 items in my in box and 2260 items in sent items of outlook 2007. Show sent messages from Gmail in Outlook 2016 Outlook Express missing soem of sent mails from Sent Folder. Sent items in Outlook do not show in the sent folder hitch1414 Oct 6, 2014, 8:04 AM Hi, I have recently changed computers, but transferred my Microsoft office programme to the new laptop.


When I look at my Sent Items folder, I only see my name instead of the name of the person I have sent the message to. How can I change this so it will show the recpient’s name? In this case, your Sent Items folder is configured with the “From” column instead of showing the “To” column or has not been set to the “Sent To” view.

When you have an Archive folder with a Sent Items folder, you may only see your name as well as these folders usually don’t have a “Sent To” view at all. You can then still add the column manually. Sent To view By default, Outlook has a “Sent To” view which is configured to show the “To” column.

Depending on your version of Outlook, you can select this view via; • Outlook 2003 View-> Arrange By-> Current View-> Sent To• Outlook 2007 View-> Current View-> Sent To• Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 tab View-> button Change View-> Sent To Changing the View of the Sent Items folder to the Sent To view. Reset the view If this doesn’t work, you can also reset the view.

To do this select your Sent Items folder and go to; • Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 View-> Arrange By-> Custom-> button Reset Current View• Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 tab View-> button Reset View Add the column manually If you do not want to reset the view, you can also add the column manually; • Outlook 2003 and Outlook 2007 View-> Arrange By-> Custom-> button Fields• Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013 and Outlook 2016 tab View-> button View Settings-> button Columns On the right list select “From” and press Remove. On the left list select “To” and press Add. Additionally you can use the Move Up and Move Down button to sort your fields. By default the “To” field is listed between “Attachment” and “Subject”. In the Sent Items folder, the To column should be added to the right list. Last modified: March 15, 2017.